Tuesday, June 17, 2008


(Left-Blake Dean) Today LSU pulled off yet another amazing victory. They played RICE for their second game of the World Series. In the bottom of the ninth inning, they were down 3 to 5. Their last at-bat was amazing. The bases were loaded,and there were 2 outs when Blake Dean stepped up to the plate. He HURLED the ball to the left field fence, and all of the runners on base scored, including Michael Hollander, Micah Gibbs, and Jared Mitchell. This put LSU at a 7-5 victory!! The Tigers play their next game Thursday. They have to win 3 more games to get to the championship. CONGRATS TIGERS, AND GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

T-I-G-E-R-S.... TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!

See, that's why people should NEVER, EVER count LSU out of a game. They can pull out a win in games where not many other teams could. LSU really does have an awesome athletic system!

GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!