Thursday, June 12, 2008

Football Training

On Mondays and Thursdays I go to football training at Dutchtown High. They make us do the most ridduculus things. For example: today we had to run 200 yards with a 50 lb. tire tied to us with a 30 ft. rope. That's only one thing. Oh yeah, after we do that, we go lift weights for an hour. I think it'll all be worth it when I hopefully make the football team.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

Uummmmm I am debating ... should I be the over-protective Nanny, or the cool Nanny???????

How about this? Just be careful out there and drink plenty of water/gatorade or whatever they have for y'all.

Then when you make the team, I'll come to your games and I swear, I won't embarrass you!!

I'm proud of you for hanging in there and doing the "hard, not-so-fun" stuff that it takes to be part of a team. That's just plain ole awesome!! You ROCK!!!

Love you much!